Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mr. Toad's formal portrait

Here he is, whether he was ready for his close-up or not. Poor thing, he was probably scared, but he took it very well. Afterwards, because I was afraid I would step on him while I was putting things away, I put him inside the little mini-greenhouse: when he made his way out, it would steer him into the corner of my plot rather in the center where he'd been.


Barbee' said...

What a handsome fellow, wish I had about a hundred just like him in my garden. Know where I can get some toads?!

Margo said...

*lol* yeah, I wish I could recruit his friends. I was pleased to see that he was still there today - and making a home for himself! Apparently, you can encourage them to come & live in your garden by taking an old clay garden pot that's got a crack or big chip in it, turn it upside down so that they've basically got a door & somewhere moist and dark to hide from predators. I'm going to give it a try.

Barbee' said...

I put one like that out there two years ago, no one showed up. I don't think there are any around here. We have a lot of raccoons, maybe they wiped them out. I think they will eat anything. There is a box turtle that has been around for awhile. I have to watch for him and hope to not step on him. He doesn't move very fast. :)

Margo said...

Oh no! I'm sorry you haven't seen any - but you're right: raccoons will eat anything and they probably wiped them out. Still, leaving it there can't hurt, can it? Maybe one will eventually migrate through, find it, and set up house. (I'm an optimist, can you tell?)