Thursday, June 5, 2008

Evil deer...

Evil deer..., originally uploaded by Margo and George.

Maine has evil deer :)
Actually, I just thought it was hilarious that my attempt to take a quick shot of a small family of four deer while they strolled back under cover of the woods revealed only the reflective green eyes of one of them - and nothing else! I had to laugh, and share.


Rowena said...

I've been seeing quite a few posts of deer in gardening blogs, never good news of course because they are such garden pests! It is just strange for me to read, well for my husband actually, because here in Italy, the animals don't stand a chance! He says that any deer that even comes close will end up on someone's dinner table! So much for the no-hunting rules...these hunters are notorious for rule-breaking. :lol:

ilex said...

Deer are just rabbits on stilts (the garden pest variety, not the cute house bun variety). Good thing deer are so tasty.

That is a great pic, though.

Margo said...

Rowena: indeed, if it were deer, I suspect some poaching would have happened already (our community garden lies on conservation land, so it's illegal to hunt there, I think.) I know what you mean though; ironically, where hunting is banned, deer populations rise to the point of being nuisance pests, and they eat their way into people's gardens until enough people scream to the right government (municipal, state, or federal) agency to allow a "limited" or "controlled" hunt. Still, someone nibbled onmy greens while I was away hiking. Hmmm, I think I'll be trying various unorthodox methods - "forking" (see the most recent post over at May Dreams Gardens -
and/or chicken-wire cages over my plants. Hmmmm...

Ilex, You are *too* funny - I'm still laughing about the rabbits on stilts thing. And yes, they are delicious (well, rabbits - and yes not the cute house-bun type- as well as venison I mean deer. Mmm, autumn mincemeat pie...)
We can trade recipes sometime... :)