Thursday, June 25, 2009

bean bed

bean bed, originally uploaded by Margo and George.

at least the beans are tolerating all the rain... so far.


Gaby said...

yay beans! My tomatoes are finally starting to flower! I saw this article and thought you might enjoy it:

Jason said...

I would love to plant a garden in my backyard. Until then i will just hang around here. Thanks for the great posts.

Margo said...

@GAby: thanks for the tip and the article! I'm catching up on my reading (finally) and will check that one out.

@Jason: thanks, and welcome!

Victoria Williams said...

Nice bean plants!

Margo said...

@Kim and Victoria - thanks! Sadly, they were promptly mown down by the local woodchuck. I'm too frustrated with the situation to post a photo; I'd rather replant and pretend it didn't happen. *sigh*